Jan 17, 2014

Authentic Feelings In Practice.

Two days ago I said how its "such a RELIEF to allow myself to feel what I feel. To not have to bury it with affirmations in hopes of a better life."

Have you TRIED this? Coming down off the affirmation/positivity trip, its kind of amazing how much DOES get buried!

This wasnt a conscious decision, but more of an ah-ha moment, more of an Esther ALLOWED me to do it, and how good did that feel, bless her precious heart! What came out was a rambled blur of emotions ranging from depression (quite a bit of it) to anger, and all kinds of funky emotions in between. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening, and I knew I didnt like it, but what else could I do with this new knowledge but... go through it!

So I remained conscious, and after a while I was even 'checking in'. How am I feeling?  When anxiousness crept in, normally I would 'resist', cover it up with the automatic, "Im ok, its ok, i feel good, i feel great" right? and probably reach for a cigarette and keep pushing on.

Yesterday, I voiced those feelings. "I feel antsy because I dont know what to do with myself" or, "I feel uncomfortable because you're (my significant other is) laying on me."

You know what? Those feelings faded away easily. I acknowledged them, allowed myself to feel them, and let them run their course. The whole day went better! Funny how that works. If all else fails, try common sense.

Moving forward, I assume, after getting accustomed to feeling things again, is to gently steer into more positive thoughts. NOT jump back into rigid disciplined positivity, but to reach gently for better feelings. And remember to allow, even appreciate, negative feelings for showing me what i dont want, so i can start to focus on what I do!

This post is an entry in a study exclusively of Esther Hicks work, putting aside most other input to really get this. Keep reading the following posts (going back in time) for more insights given by Esther hicks

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