You know the deal, youre fighting with your spouse, things are blowing up at work, there are bills piling up, your kids are out of their mind, and as a spiritual person who takes full responsibility of your situation you're thinking you "must be doing something wrong, or you would not be living it"
Esther refers to problems as "Contrast", and its actually a good thing. They want us to see the perfection, the value in the contrast that causes focus. A problem produces a solution that puts you in a better place than before the problem occurred. I'll let them tell it...
Are you GOING WITH THE FLOW of your contrast? Name the problem. Where is it coming from? Is it coming from insecurity??? Check your attitude. When you get to the heart of the problem, its time to focus on the solution. How can it be different, what would make you happy!? Write it out. See the contrast through and expand into the best possible you!
According To Abraham
a collection of teachings by Abraham Hicks
Apr 23, 2015
Jan 14, 2015
Get back on your path
If weird messy things are going on around you and you only can wonder, "where have I gone wrong? Why is all this very familiar stuff, the fighting, the bad feelings, the lack, happening again?" It you, its you, its you. You know that. Might take a minute to remember.
Heres some truth that will help you get back on the better path.
Heres some truth that will help you get back on the better path.
Nov 29, 2014
It Only Took 30 days
Another guy who really got it and I love his story and the humor he adds.
I especially liked this part... In the video, he uses cringeworthy words, like 'dummy', 'exhaustive', and 'finally'. Like the quote in my sidebar, "the universe isnt hearing your words, its hearing what you mean." Even though hes using some negative words, hes not vibrating with these words, hes vibrating with what he wants.
Heres what he did. Every day, he wrote on a calendar, things that he did to make him feel good. One of the things he did to make himself happy was this... He wrote down what he wanted, in the form of a thank you letter to Abraham, that he planned to read when he was in the hotseat. Twice a day for 30 days, he read that letter pictured it and FELT IT! I bet you can already guess, he got it all.
Abraham breaks down his process... "He practiced himself into the momentum of expecting what he wanted, through writing his list and speaking of it as if it were already done"
I especially liked this part... In the video, he uses cringeworthy words, like 'dummy', 'exhaustive', and 'finally'. Like the quote in my sidebar, "the universe isnt hearing your words, its hearing what you mean." Even though hes using some negative words, hes not vibrating with these words, hes vibrating with what he wants.
Heres what he did. Every day, he wrote on a calendar, things that he did to make him feel good. One of the things he did to make himself happy was this... He wrote down what he wanted, in the form of a thank you letter to Abraham, that he planned to read when he was in the hotseat. Twice a day for 30 days, he read that letter pictured it and FELT IT! I bet you can already guess, he got it all.
Abraham breaks down his process... "He practiced himself into the momentum of expecting what he wanted, through writing his list and speaking of it as if it were already done"
Sep 19, 2014
Abraham Hicks Quotes May 16, 2000
The buffer of time gives you the opportunity to get it right before it manifests, to take pleasure from the vision and from the molding it into place... Can you imagine if everything was manifesting instantly? You would manifest this, and then you would manifest it away. And then you'd manifest that, and then... It would be a difficult thing if you were instantly manifesting every whim or every misaligned thought. It's so much better that you have this buffer of time where you can feel it into perfection before it manifests into your experience.
---Abraham Excerpted from the workshop: Ashland, OR on May 16, 2000
Sep 6, 2014
*HOW* to Tell a Different Story...
This has been a focus lately in our little circle: If you want a different outcome, tell a different story. A really important method in being a catalyst for change and creating the life you want, is to tell it like you WANT it to be, not how it is. Abraham teaches this often.
This video woke me out of a dead sleep, thinking 'No wonder' (my life isnt working how i want it to) I woke up at the exact moment when she says that 'Everyone gets exactly what theyre offering vibrationally, that IM getting exactly what im offering vibrationally' This rant is intense. Its becoming clear how intensly you need to change to make change, and how much you need to FEEL these words to make it so. I hope it helps.
its a pretty good playlist too:
Abraham Hicks 'Inspired Action'
This video woke me out of a dead sleep, thinking 'No wonder' (my life isnt working how i want it to) I woke up at the exact moment when she says that 'Everyone gets exactly what theyre offering vibrationally, that IM getting exactly what im offering vibrationally' This rant is intense. Its becoming clear how intensly you need to change to make change, and how much you need to FEEL these words to make it so. I hope it helps.
its a pretty good playlist too:
Abraham Hicks 'Inspired Action'
Aug 28, 2014
Many Avenues to Prosperity
This video to me, defines the basis of living an authentic life. I would love for all young people to hear this before they start their journey, because this is serious evolution stuff. I used to tell young people that they would, first and foremost, need to know how to adapt quickly, learn quickly and jump right in. My feelings have changed quite a bit from 10 years ago. Now, since my son is closing out his teenage years, I get tell the young people about being authentic. That they're here, they exist, JUST to be themselves.
Theres an awesome Abraham quote in this video. (im gonna change it a little for dramatic effect) Its not the destination youre reaching for, its not even 'the journey', its the REASON to go on the journey.
Theres an awesome Abraham quote in this video. (im gonna change it a little for dramatic effect) Its not the destination youre reaching for, its not even 'the journey', its the REASON to go on the journey.
Aug 6, 2014
She never ceases to blow me away. She says "Momentum has a lot to do with what happens next." Sometimes its not so obvious, but we all have our moments. He says he wants 'more'. Remember to Practice more! Those few moments in a store, when your significant other is distracted by auto parts, you certainly have 17 seconds to practice... you probably have 68 seconds to practice. She says:
"when you maintain your attention to something for as little as 17 seconds, momentum begins, because another thought like it will join it. Now there's more momentum... Do it again, more, do it again, more. By the time you cross that 68 second mark (which is 17, 4 times) you have enough momentum going, that, its most likely gonna play out with some sort of obvious result. 68 seconds gets momentum going"This is the point of our focus wheels. To be purely focused on whats wanted, but you can do this anywhere, any time theres a quiet space in between life. Just think about what's incredible about your life and it starts. Think about what you love about yourself. What you love about your family. Your job. your house. go through it all, and youll be at 68 seconds before you know it. If you dont listen to the whole thing, start at around 9 minutes. it gets really good at the end.
Abraham Hicks Quotes 2/20/2001
Abraham Hicks Quotes
Don't try to recreate peak experiences. Instead, just accept them as the gift that they are, and don't beat up on yourself for not being able to stay there. Because if you stayed there, they wouldn't be peak experiences. They would be normal, every day in time hum drum boring, experiences. So, savor the peak experiences and compliment yourself upon your achieving of them, and expect more of them, and leave everything else out of the equation.---Abraham Excerpted from the workshop: Tucson, AZ on February 20, 2001
Aug 4, 2014
Focus Wheel to Manifest Money
Doug Graham does an excellent job of explaining the focus wheel in depth as he takes you through one. Ive done a few focus wheels, but he presented this so much better than I've seen or done before. What I was missing -> going around the wheel a couple times, repeating 3 times and adding on, and getting the energy moving for at least 90 seconds. The way I 'milked it' before was to keep coming up with new ideas, which gets hard. The word Love really resonates with me, so Im glad he used it so much here. Thanks Doug! I believe this will really help!
Aug 3, 2014
Aug 1, 2014
7 Day Money Manifesting Experiement
This guy is just such a sweetheart, and he explains manifesting in very plain terms. Try this little experiment to manifesting in the next week!
30 Days to Getting What You Want
Follow along with Anthony Hamilton in an effective 9 minute visualization on getting what you want. I absolutely love this one. The first time I tried it, what I visualized started happening within a week!
Law of Attraction in a Nutshell
In 7 minutes, Abraham explains law of attraction in a nutshell. This is so stinkin simple and probably the most motivational one i've heard yet. YOU CAN have what you want. "Think and Feel" Think a thought and see how it makes you feel. does it make you feel better? or worse? Its the only thing you have to do!
Jun 5, 2014
Focus Wheel on Smoking Cigarettes
Heres my focus wheel to quit smoking cigarettes. I dont have a program to create the wheel, so i just numbered the 'spokes'. These statements would fit in something like the image to the right. Theres a little 'milking' and 'rampaging' at the end.
For all to see and share :D
Heres some more help!
For all to see and share :D
Outsite the wheel:
Im worried that I havent quit smoking. I want to quit smoking but dont feel I have the power to.
Becomes the middle of the wheel (I want):
I LOVE being Smoke Free
1. I love breathing clean air, big full breaths of fresh air.
2. I love how good it feels to breath easily
3. Its incredible how far I can run after being smoke free
4. Its amazing how many things i can SMELL
5. I love the idea of having ENERGY, and abundance of energy!
6. I trust the universe to show me how
7. I trust myself to use the tools i have to quit smoking
8. I feel SO CLOSE to success. and its exciting
9. I love myself and know this success will feel so good
10. Im so happy that ive come this far and im so happy that ive found these tools.
Milk it! Every day all my CELLS are reaping the benefits of the fresh oxygen Im breathing, and it feels so good. Every day I breath more fully. Every day I feel cleaner with oxygen. I LOVE how clean i feel. I LOVE how lively i feel. I LOVE how many things i can smell. I LOVE moving and exercising for a LONG time. I love how my body feels. I love the idea that every cell in my body is functioning well. I love how I am able to contribute to my well being.
Rampage! I feel like I can do anything. I feel so in sync and tapped in, that everything I need will be right there for me and that the love an energy from source is always supporting me, guiding me, helping me. Pointing me in the right direction and helping me WIN!
Apr 23, 2014
Daily Practice
A while back I posted daily practice laid out by Abraham. Here's a newer process that explains it in a much easier way.
This man says he understands intellectually that he is a spiritual being but wheres the deep KNOWING? Sounds familiar. Esther explains the daily process that brings that knowing into place.
1. As you go to bed, practice appreciation. Start with your environment, the good feeling moment, the comfort of your bed. she uses the word 'Bask'.
2. Because you wake up vibrationally where you left off (when you fell asleep), stay in bed for 5 minutes and continue appreciation. Try to extend the appreciation outward. The moment it turns negative, get right out of bed.
3. Go about your morning, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, and start to collect a list of things that feel off, so that you can do focus wheels to clean up your vibration about these things.
This is incredible because it puts negative emotions into perspective and allows you to feel GOOD about them! Feeling bad now gives you something to look forward to feeling good about!
4. Later, do your focus wheels, or vibrational cleanup. When I get stuck on a subject, or have no idea where to start, I look for insight on the subject by searching on youtube for "Abraham Hicks" plus the issue im working with (relationship, money, anxiety)
5. Some time during the day, Abraham recommends to meditate for 15 minutes. You're the only judge of the best time to meditate, but they say its when you're awake and alert. Meditating before bed might put you right to sleep, and we want to experience our connection to source as best as possible. Esther consistently says... "Get into the vortex, and then..." (solve the problem), "Get in the vortex and then..." (meet your mother), "Get into the vortex, and then..." (go on your job interview) - So heres a thought. Maybe it would work best to meditate before doing your focus wheels (step 4)
Since no one can make it quite as exciting as Esther, here's the video.
This man says he understands intellectually that he is a spiritual being but wheres the deep KNOWING? Sounds familiar. Esther explains the daily process that brings that knowing into place.
1. As you go to bed, practice appreciation. Start with your environment, the good feeling moment, the comfort of your bed. she uses the word 'Bask'.
2. Because you wake up vibrationally where you left off (when you fell asleep), stay in bed for 5 minutes and continue appreciation. Try to extend the appreciation outward. The moment it turns negative, get right out of bed.
3. Go about your morning, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, and start to collect a list of things that feel off, so that you can do focus wheels to clean up your vibration about these things.
This is incredible because it puts negative emotions into perspective and allows you to feel GOOD about them! Feeling bad now gives you something to look forward to feeling good about!
4. Later, do your focus wheels, or vibrational cleanup. When I get stuck on a subject, or have no idea where to start, I look for insight on the subject by searching on youtube for "Abraham Hicks" plus the issue im working with (relationship, money, anxiety)
5. Some time during the day, Abraham recommends to meditate for 15 minutes. You're the only judge of the best time to meditate, but they say its when you're awake and alert. Meditating before bed might put you right to sleep, and we want to experience our connection to source as best as possible. Esther consistently says... "Get into the vortex, and then..." (solve the problem), "Get in the vortex and then..." (meet your mother), "Get into the vortex, and then..." (go on your job interview) - So heres a thought. Maybe it would work best to meditate before doing your focus wheels (step 4)
Since no one can make it quite as exciting as Esther, here's the video.
Apr 16, 2014
This guys really got it.
This is the most down to earth example of someone who really got it. Listen to how quick he learns and changes. While most people 'beat the drum' of whats wrong, he shows us in minutes how to turn things around. I wouldnt doubt that something really good is happening for him right now and would love to see him check his messages when he gets off the stage.
Mar 25, 2014
Tip the Scales
Esther told a story.
Esther and Jerry were in Philadelphia and they had their monster bus. There was something on in the coach that drained the battery... while most of their electronics were available, for nearly a month they had no television in the bus. Esther said the day it happened 'bummer'. And now she is saying 'blessing'. Every morning she wakes up she feels better than the day before because she is now "gaining"... because
The balance of the thoughts you offer, equal the degree to which you ALLOW whats in your vibrational escrow.
So every day without realizing it, Esther was diminishing her allowance of the things she is wanting by the amount of time she was watching (usually right before bed) of things less than wanted. There has been a significant difference in the day to day allowing of Esthers vibrations since shes not been watching television.
Were not saying don't watch television, be selective sifters. But you just have habits of thought. There are things that you do, that hold you out of alignment with what you want.
If you are not moving rapidly toward the things you know you want, it can be for only one reason. You're thinking thoughts to the contrary and you're doing it pretty regularly.
Get yourself busy with things that are exhilarating. Fill your schedule with things that feel good when you do it. Make more time. A lot of time you'll feel busy', but if you just make a little effort to shift your thought, you get a big bonus in terms of manifestation.
from this video
and in this video, she says that with mastery, manifestation can happen instantaneously, as soon as you think it in pure thought (i knew that) she says that were supposed to be happier in our minds! "we do not see humans experiencing the joy of premanifestational creation anywhere to the degree you intended when you came forth. you intended to take much more pleasure in your mind than most of you are allowing. and because you demand the manifestations, and they dont come instantly, than the discomfort of it causes a disruption in your vibration which slows the whole thing down. Where if you could just be more exhilarated about the pleasure that youre taking in your mind" then you wouldnt miss the wonder of the power of your own mind.
Esther and Jerry were in Philadelphia and they had their monster bus. There was something on in the coach that drained the battery... while most of their electronics were available, for nearly a month they had no television in the bus. Esther said the day it happened 'bummer'. And now she is saying 'blessing'. Every morning she wakes up she feels better than the day before because she is now "gaining"... because
The balance of the thoughts you offer, equal the degree to which you ALLOW whats in your vibrational escrow.
So every day without realizing it, Esther was diminishing her allowance of the things she is wanting by the amount of time she was watching (usually right before bed) of things less than wanted. There has been a significant difference in the day to day allowing of Esthers vibrations since shes not been watching television.
Were not saying don't watch television, be selective sifters. But you just have habits of thought. There are things that you do, that hold you out of alignment with what you want.
If you are not moving rapidly toward the things you know you want, it can be for only one reason. You're thinking thoughts to the contrary and you're doing it pretty regularly.
Get yourself busy with things that are exhilarating. Fill your schedule with things that feel good when you do it. Make more time. A lot of time you'll feel busy', but if you just make a little effort to shift your thought, you get a big bonus in terms of manifestation.
from this video
and in this video, she says that with mastery, manifestation can happen instantaneously, as soon as you think it in pure thought (i knew that) she says that were supposed to be happier in our minds! "we do not see humans experiencing the joy of premanifestational creation anywhere to the degree you intended when you came forth. you intended to take much more pleasure in your mind than most of you are allowing. and because you demand the manifestations, and they dont come instantly, than the discomfort of it causes a disruption in your vibration which slows the whole thing down. Where if you could just be more exhilarated about the pleasure that youre taking in your mind" then you wouldnt miss the wonder of the power of your own mind.
Dolores Cannon Has All the Answers to the Universe
She's kind of incredible, answering all the questions we've had about the universe in a no-nonsense sort of way.
Only, the answers are out of this world!
After a day learning from this woman, the way I understand it, she gets her answers from a singular source of intelligence, speaking through the DNA of her thousands of hypno-regression subjects.
They all say the same thing. It's an ongoing story that starts with one patient, and continues with the nest. She has been documenting the entire thing in her 18 or so books. Now that's dedication.
This research started with an article that my son shared with me, entitled "We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe"
Fascinating, right? I wanted more. And I found it.
I asked my son to pay particular attention to what she says at 29 minutes, in which I received a resounding "I KNEW IT!!!!" His suspicions brought on by 'Ancient Aliens' were confirmed!
My curiosity was still not satisfied. so onward to this 2 hour presentation that we all watched and discussed the next day. I wanted to connect with my son? This did it.
I fell asleep watching this the night before and had to re-watch to confirm that I heard correctly. And I did! It entered my dreams so clearly and perfectly word for word.
For about a year, I'd been experiencing issues that had me running to the emergency room, thinking I'm going to die. After two full heart workups and suffering endless fear, it turned out to be anxiety. It's very common these days. At 1 hour and 22 minutes the bells went off with another possibility. She says you might actually feel the earth shifting vibrations.
She's answering even more questions that i've had recently. Why the guy in the movie "Wake up" with had no psychic abilities or interest in spirituality, would suddenly start seeing things... like energy, geometric patterns, angels and MORE. He's shifting! When Teresa Caputo from Long Island Medium (shes crazy, I love her) channels a 19 day old baby and I ask, WHY would a soul come here for 19 days? Dolores says, this is the most important thing in the universe right now. Souls might incarnate for even a couple hours, just to experience it.
She does however explain that the earth is in trouble. Our scientists are messing around with things they shouldn't be. Dark matter, smashing atoms and other things I don't comprehend. Were destroying the universe. Dolores says that if it's allowed to go on, it will effect everything else.
Have we run out of things to learn? Is the 'school' of life not challenging enough? Are we busting open the matrix? Were we given TOO much free will? In any case, she says that we're messing up, and souls have been called from all ends of the universe to come here and help. Leave it to humans to stir up such drama.
She goes on to explain that energetically, the earth will split, like cells in mitosis, and be two earths in different dimensions. Those vibrating on higher frequencies will transition with the new earth and experience all positivity. Those vibrating on lower frequencies will stay and live out their lives until this old earth can eventually be freed from the weight of humanity and have the chance to heal itself.
This concept scared the hell out of me. What if i DONT shift with the new earth in her perception of existence? Fear is a heavy vibration, and to be all positive, to match this new earth, you must vibrate higher. She gives tips to help us vibrate higher. Here's my interpretation of those tips.
After a day and a half, Ive come away with the basics and realize, its the same stuff. Isnt it always the same stuff?
Only, the answers are out of this world!
After a day learning from this woman, the way I understand it, she gets her answers from a singular source of intelligence, speaking through the DNA of her thousands of hypno-regression subjects.
They all say the same thing. It's an ongoing story that starts with one patient, and continues with the nest. She has been documenting the entire thing in her 18 or so books. Now that's dedication.
This research started with an article that my son shared with me, entitled "We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe"
Fascinating, right? I wanted more. And I found it.
I asked my son to pay particular attention to what she says at 29 minutes, in which I received a resounding "I KNEW IT!!!!" His suspicions brought on by 'Ancient Aliens' were confirmed!
My curiosity was still not satisfied. so onward to this 2 hour presentation that we all watched and discussed the next day. I wanted to connect with my son? This did it.
I fell asleep watching this the night before and had to re-watch to confirm that I heard correctly. And I did! It entered my dreams so clearly and perfectly word for word.
For about a year, I'd been experiencing issues that had me running to the emergency room, thinking I'm going to die. After two full heart workups and suffering endless fear, it turned out to be anxiety. It's very common these days. At 1 hour and 22 minutes the bells went off with another possibility. She says you might actually feel the earth shifting vibrations.
"A lot of people are having physical ailments. They're going to the doctors. The doctors can't find anything wrong with them, because its not anything they've ever experienced before... Our DNAs being changed, the vibration rate is being changed, we are shifting with the planet, we have to... When (the planet) makes these little jumps, people are experiencing physical problems. They can be heart palpitations, blood pressure, tiredness, dizziness, muscle aches and pains... Our DNA is being changed and the ET's have been helping a lot with this (they're sending light from their dimension, to our earth's core where it emanates up through the earth and lifts us all to a higher vibration).
We're going to be at the point where were not going to be sick anymore, and we'll be at the point where we will never die. Were actually moving into what is called the thousand years of peace, in the bible. The whole earth is going to be totally different. And there's going to be many left behind, just like the bible says. Because they cant change their frequency and vibration quick enough to move with it. They have to be working on it NOW or they wont be able to move, theyll be stuck with the old earth. The ones that are deep into the negativity, they will be allowed to live out their lives on the old earth. But when they die, they will not come back to the new earth, because the new earth will have no negativity. They'll be sent to another planet that is still experiencing negativity"
She's answering even more questions that i've had recently. Why the guy in the movie "Wake up" with had no psychic abilities or interest in spirituality, would suddenly start seeing things... like energy, geometric patterns, angels and MORE. He's shifting! When Teresa Caputo from Long Island Medium (shes crazy, I love her) channels a 19 day old baby and I ask, WHY would a soul come here for 19 days? Dolores says, this is the most important thing in the universe right now. Souls might incarnate for even a couple hours, just to experience it.
She does however explain that the earth is in trouble. Our scientists are messing around with things they shouldn't be. Dark matter, smashing atoms and other things I don't comprehend. Were destroying the universe. Dolores says that if it's allowed to go on, it will effect everything else.
Have we run out of things to learn? Is the 'school' of life not challenging enough? Are we busting open the matrix? Were we given TOO much free will? In any case, she says that we're messing up, and souls have been called from all ends of the universe to come here and help. Leave it to humans to stir up such drama.
She goes on to explain that energetically, the earth will split, like cells in mitosis, and be two earths in different dimensions. Those vibrating on higher frequencies will transition with the new earth and experience all positivity. Those vibrating on lower frequencies will stay and live out their lives until this old earth can eventually be freed from the weight of humanity and have the chance to heal itself.
This concept scared the hell out of me. What if i DONT shift with the new earth in her perception of existence? Fear is a heavy vibration, and to be all positive, to match this new earth, you must vibrate higher. She gives tips to help us vibrate higher. Here's my interpretation of those tips.
- Let go of Karma. FORGIVE everyone in your life and let GO of all the baggage that keeps you heavy, low. You wont be allowed to take it with you.
- Let go of Fear. Practice joy and love. Laugh and play. Do what helps you feel higher emotions.
- Eat Lighter Foods. Eat more live foods like fruits and vegetables. She said eventually we'll switch to a liquid diet. I recently joined the smoothie craze, I'm assuming this is right in line. And move away from heavy meats.
- Cleanse with water.
After a day and a half, Ive come away with the basics and realize, its the same stuff. Isnt it always the same stuff?
- We all come from the same source
- We all go back to the same source
- We exist in a multitude of ways
- We are not alone
- To be truly who we are - Vibrate Higher
Mar 6, 2014
The REAL way to Find Your Purpose
This woman has been following Abraham and doing well at improving paying attention to how she feels, and shes seen a lot of evidence of positive things in her life.
She still has a hard time feeling her "purpose" because she believes, like many of us do, that her purpose MUST have to do with helping o
thers, teaching others, and being of service AS our world believes is the right 'way' to have a purpose.
Abraham probes, Joy is not enough? no? thats not good enough to be your purpose? Joy, freedom and expansion?
Well, what about this then.
"Feel Good and watch what happens, feel good and watch what happens, and then it shifts a little and you not only feel good, you say, Im good, and watch what happens, Im so blessed, and watch what happens, Ive come with purpose and watch what happens, I'll figure it out, and watch what happens. You werent born with an assignment to go there and do that. You came with an intention of it steadily unfolding. You'll never fulfill your purpose. You will never be without purpose, it will keep expanding. Never an ending to life saying 'well, you like that and you feel good here', now the momentum is going, MORE is being asked for by you. You werent born with a purpose that was supposed to sustain you forever more. You were born into a purposeful life that will keep presenting its new purpose to you Now, and Now, and Now..."
She still has a hard time feeling her "purpose" because she believes, like many of us do, that her purpose MUST have to do with helping o
thers, teaching others, and being of service AS our world believes is the right 'way' to have a purpose.
Abraham probes, Joy is not enough? no? thats not good enough to be your purpose? Joy, freedom and expansion?
Well, what about this then.
"Feel Good and watch what happens, feel good and watch what happens, and then it shifts a little and you not only feel good, you say, Im good, and watch what happens, Im so blessed, and watch what happens, Ive come with purpose and watch what happens, I'll figure it out, and watch what happens. You werent born with an assignment to go there and do that. You came with an intention of it steadily unfolding. You'll never fulfill your purpose. You will never be without purpose, it will keep expanding. Never an ending to life saying 'well, you like that and you feel good here', now the momentum is going, MORE is being asked for by you. You werent born with a purpose that was supposed to sustain you forever more. You were born into a purposeful life that will keep presenting its new purpose to you Now, and Now, and Now..."
Feb 22, 2014
My first question for Abraham.
I've been studying Abraham Hicks for a few weeks now. Listening to the youtube recordings, I wondered if Id be far enough to have a question for Abraham that hasnt been asked. I feel I may have that question...
My Question: How do you keep the "Plates Spinning"?

Well, that was quick... Five minutes later, I got my first answer.
I had NO IDEA there was a Step Four!!! Its about going through your life being in 'alignment' no matter what circumstances or negativity is around you! Step Four. Amazing.
This one too about Step 4, very inspiring!
My Question: How do you keep the "Plates Spinning"?

Through Abrahams guidance, happily, I can focus on one area of my life, successfully get it flowing to my liking, and enjoy it flowing well. Ive noticed, at this point in my understanding, When I let that area go and put my attention on another area, after a while it stops flowing like before. How can I start one plate spinning, set it down to start another plate and know that the first will keep spinning? How do you keep that balance?If youre shouting "ooh! I know the answer to this quesion!" Please, feel free to comment below, Id love to hear from you...
Well, that was quick... Five minutes later, I got my first answer.
I had NO IDEA there was a Step Four!!! Its about going through your life being in 'alignment' no matter what circumstances or negativity is around you! Step Four. Amazing.
This one too about Step 4, very inspiring!
Feb 11, 2014
Kyle Cease Lives it
His story is a powerful example of real life transformation
About the 1 hour mark, he really gets into his story
At 1:16 he does his Kylego exercise... DO THIS exercise!
About the 1 hour mark, he really gets into his story
At 1:16 he does his Kylego exercise... DO THIS exercise!
Feb 10, 2014
A Really CLEAR One, On Health
She wants to communicate with and/or monitor her cells so she can be healthier. Something I've wished I could do so many times. Check in, scan and put things right... She gets a better answer
Feb 7, 2014
"Focus Wheel". Pep Talk on Paper.
A 'Focus Wheel' is an exercise to help you through the process of feeling better, to vibrate in alignment with what you want. Heres how to do it.
I love this... from
I love this... from
My Focus Wheel on FEELING GOOD:
- I do think that feeling good is important.
- As I have done work to make myself feel better, good ideas come to me
- Abraham seems to think it's pretty important.
- I like what Abraham teaches--it resonates with me.
- They say, nothing is more important than that you feel good.
- Well, that's good enough for me for now.
- I do think nothing is more important than that I feel good.
- If i don't feel good, I have nothing to offer other people.
- I like being an 'uplifter' to the people around me
- When I feel good, I'm a beacon for others
- When I feel good, all the wonderful things in the world are open to me
- When I feel good, my life goes really well
- When I feel good, I FEEL GOOD!
- And it's important to me to enjoy my life!
- And feeling good is a requirement for enjoying my life!
- And since enjoying my life is important to me, and feeling good is a requirement for enjoying my life, then this statement now makes sense!
- The most important thing to me is enjoying my life, and feeling good is a requirement for enjoying my life!
- Enjoying my life is the most important thing to me. And when I feel good, I am fulfilling my reason for being, which is living a joyful life.
- so, if nothing is more important than that I feel good,
- then feeling good is the most important thing
- feeling good is the most important thing
- feeling good is the most important thing in my life!
Feeling Good Is The Most Important Thing In My Life!
Jan 29, 2014
Jan 28, 2014
Abraham on Relationships
Ive been learning so many great tools from merely watching youtube videos of Esther Hicks channel Abraham, SO MUCH insight. Heres the latest from Abraham on relationships, this is a biggy. Shes taught me that that you cannot control the people around you, and you shouldnt. You can only control yourself. So you dont need to get away from other peoples negativity, or be angry with them for being negative around you. You must change this YOURSELF. Abraham says, if you are right with your self, theres nothing anything anyone can do or say to bother you.
Heres the very best example of a woman whos really got this...
WHILE WRITING this post, I had a conversation with my boyfriend, and explained what I know to him
Jon: who you talking to?
Trish:im typing a blog post
Jon: about?
Trish:about how to deal with negative relationships
Jon: what?
Jon: thats terrible
Trish:i got an email from constance with a quote from esther
Trish:it was about relationships
Jon: So we have a negative relationship?
Trish:well about dealing with other peoples negativity...
Jon: oh ok
Trish:which is kind of a big question when youre starting to get into spiritual things, and you are wanting to better yourself? What do you do when other people are negative???
Jon: I support you and try to do it to.
Jon: Im not negative am I?
Trish:because Id assume, myself included, you feel like, im trying all this to be positive, and someone comes in and talks some shit, and immediately brings you down... BUT
Trish:thats not at all how youre supposed to go about it
Trish:it just means you dont get it yet
Jon: am i negative?
Trish:it doesnt matter, because this is what she says.
Jon: dude answer my question
Trish:if youre right with yourself, if youre getting it, theres nothing anyone can do or say to bother you
Trish:and its BECAUSE youre not right with yourself that any negativity is around you in the first place.
Trish:once you get there, that negativity wont show up, they wont display that negativity around you.
Trish:isnt that incredible! hahahaha :D
Jon: yeah
Trish:that means that negativity around you serves to let you know how YOURE doing!
Trish:meanwhile youre working on yourself to 'vibrate on a higher frequency'
Trish:and not to remove these things that are negative or get away from them, but to be happy with whats GOOD... NOW
Trish:and thats all that you focus on to make it happen, while youre in the trenches going through it even. you just focus on whats good right now.
Trish:say if you were screaming at me and I HATE THAT. id maybe try to realize why youre screaming. you want a better relationship. I have to respect that, and i really like that about you.
Trish:and i can think of other things i like about you too. how much you care about me, how much you love me, how much you take care of me. you when youre FUN, you when youre loving the world and everyone in it. you when youre fixing things and you when youre coming up with incredibly insightful ideas. you when your instict is right on, like its time now to go find my cat.
Jon: haha
Trish:and keep focused on those things. and more of that will show, and less of the other things will show.
Trish:its brilliant, no?
Jon: i like it
Trish:and you can tell how youre doing by the way you feel. if you feel good, youre doing good and good things will come. if you dont feel good, its the indicator to start thinking better things, to give yourself that pep talk
Trish:the way she goes through it as an example, is like a snowball. its slow and small at first. smaller better feeling things. like little reasons to feel better about the situation. And the better feeling emotions will catch on, and get bigger and more lofty until youre full force into, i believe i can do anything!
Trish:that it takes 17 seconds for a better feeling emotion to stick, and they will allow other emotions on that level, other thoughts on that level. and then move slowly into higher emotions. If those make you feel better then go with it, if they make you feel worse, search around until you find something to tell yourself that makes you feel better.
Trish:every time you hang onto something for 17 seconds, other thoughts come to match it on that level
Trish:and you slowly work up to like super joy!
Trish:well its called enlightenment
Trish:but thats the work.
If you have a problem with a member of your family who is negative, begin by writing a list of all the things you appreciate about that person. Remember to include gratitude to them for giving you a great desire for positivity in your life; because that is a gift they are giving you. As you focus with all of your strength on appreciation, you will not only reduce your exposure to the negativity, but at the same time you will be attracting positive people into your life. Get yourself on to the appreciation frequency, and the law of attraction can only surround you with people who are in a positive state.
Heres the very best example of a woman whos really got this...
WHILE WRITING this post, I had a conversation with my boyfriend, and explained what I know to him
Jon: who you talking to?
Trish:im typing a blog post
Jon: about?
Trish:about how to deal with negative relationships
Jon: what?
Jon: thats terrible
Trish:i got an email from constance with a quote from esther
Trish:it was about relationships
Jon: So we have a negative relationship?
Trish:well about dealing with other peoples negativity...
Jon: oh ok
Trish:which is kind of a big question when youre starting to get into spiritual things, and you are wanting to better yourself? What do you do when other people are negative???
Jon: I support you and try to do it to.
Jon: Im not negative am I?
Trish:because Id assume, myself included, you feel like, im trying all this to be positive, and someone comes in and talks some shit, and immediately brings you down... BUT
Trish:thats not at all how youre supposed to go about it
Trish:it just means you dont get it yet
Jon: am i negative?
Trish:it doesnt matter, because this is what she says.
Jon: dude answer my question
Trish:if youre right with yourself, if youre getting it, theres nothing anyone can do or say to bother you
Trish:and its BECAUSE youre not right with yourself that any negativity is around you in the first place.
Trish:once you get there, that negativity wont show up, they wont display that negativity around you.
Trish:isnt that incredible! hahahaha :D
Jon: yeah
Trish:that means that negativity around you serves to let you know how YOURE doing!
Trish:meanwhile youre working on yourself to 'vibrate on a higher frequency'
Trish:and not to remove these things that are negative or get away from them, but to be happy with whats GOOD... NOW
Trish:and thats all that you focus on to make it happen, while youre in the trenches going through it even. you just focus on whats good right now.
Trish:say if you were screaming at me and I HATE THAT. id maybe try to realize why youre screaming. you want a better relationship. I have to respect that, and i really like that about you.
Trish:and i can think of other things i like about you too. how much you care about me, how much you love me, how much you take care of me. you when youre FUN, you when youre loving the world and everyone in it. you when youre fixing things and you when youre coming up with incredibly insightful ideas. you when your instict is right on, like its time now to go find my cat.
Jon: haha
Trish:and keep focused on those things. and more of that will show, and less of the other things will show.
Trish:its brilliant, no?
Jon: i like it
Trish:and you can tell how youre doing by the way you feel. if you feel good, youre doing good and good things will come. if you dont feel good, its the indicator to start thinking better things, to give yourself that pep talk
Trish:the way she goes through it as an example, is like a snowball. its slow and small at first. smaller better feeling things. like little reasons to feel better about the situation. And the better feeling emotions will catch on, and get bigger and more lofty until youre full force into, i believe i can do anything!
Trish:that it takes 17 seconds for a better feeling emotion to stick, and they will allow other emotions on that level, other thoughts on that level. and then move slowly into higher emotions. If those make you feel better then go with it, if they make you feel worse, search around until you find something to tell yourself that makes you feel better.
Trish:every time you hang onto something for 17 seconds, other thoughts come to match it on that level
Trish:and you slowly work up to like super joy!
Trish:well its called enlightenment
Trish:but thats the work.
Jan 17, 2014
Authentic Feelings In Practice.
Two days ago I said how its "such a RELIEF to allow myself to feel what I feel. To not have to bury it with affirmations in hopes of a better life."
Have you TRIED this? Coming down off the affirmation/positivity trip, its kind of amazing how much DOES get buried!
This wasnt a conscious decision, but more of an ah-ha moment, more of an Esther ALLOWED me to do it, and how good did that feel, bless her precious heart! What came out was a rambled blur of emotions ranging from depression (quite a bit of it) to anger, and all kinds of funky emotions in between. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening, and I knew I didnt like it, but what else could I do with this new knowledge but... go through it!
So I remained conscious, and after a while I was even 'checking in'. How am I feeling? When anxiousness crept in, normally I would 'resist', cover it up with the automatic, "Im ok, its ok, i feel good, i feel great" right? and probably reach for a cigarette and keep pushing on.
Yesterday, I voiced those feelings. "I feel antsy because I dont know what to do with myself" or, "I feel uncomfortable because you're (my significant other is) laying on me."
You know what? Those feelings faded away easily. I acknowledged them, allowed myself to feel them, and let them run their course. The whole day went better! Funny how that works. If all else fails, try common sense.
Moving forward, I assume, after getting accustomed to feeling things again, is to gently steer into more positive thoughts. NOT jump back into rigid disciplined positivity, but to reach gently for better feelings. And remember to allow, even appreciate, negative feelings for showing me what i dont want, so i can start to focus on what I do!
This post is an entry in a study exclusively of Esther Hicks work, putting aside most other input to really get this. Keep reading the following posts (going back in time) for more insights given by Esther hicks
Have you TRIED this? Coming down off the affirmation/positivity trip, its kind of amazing how much DOES get buried!
This wasnt a conscious decision, but more of an ah-ha moment, more of an Esther ALLOWED me to do it, and how good did that feel, bless her precious heart! What came out was a rambled blur of emotions ranging from depression (quite a bit of it) to anger, and all kinds of funky emotions in between. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening, and I knew I didnt like it, but what else could I do with this new knowledge but... go through it!
So I remained conscious, and after a while I was even 'checking in'. How am I feeling? When anxiousness crept in, normally I would 'resist', cover it up with the automatic, "Im ok, its ok, i feel good, i feel great" right? and probably reach for a cigarette and keep pushing on.
Yesterday, I voiced those feelings. "I feel antsy because I dont know what to do with myself" or, "I feel uncomfortable because you're (my significant other is) laying on me."
You know what? Those feelings faded away easily. I acknowledged them, allowed myself to feel them, and let them run their course. The whole day went better! Funny how that works. If all else fails, try common sense.
Moving forward, I assume, after getting accustomed to feeling things again, is to gently steer into more positive thoughts. NOT jump back into rigid disciplined positivity, but to reach gently for better feelings. And remember to allow, even appreciate, negative feelings for showing me what i dont want, so i can start to focus on what I do!
This post is an entry in a study exclusively of Esther Hicks work, putting aside most other input to really get this. Keep reading the following posts (going back in time) for more insights given by Esther hicks
Jan 15, 2014
Accepting. ALLOWING the Negative
Damn that negativity. No. No! NO MORE. How can I be happy with all THIS going on around me? The baby's screaming, the dog's barking, the phone's ringing, family is fighting and everyone is coming down on ME. Nevermind all of MY problems. THEY're so negative and all I want to do is expand into my own peace and happiness. Cant they just leave me alone to be happy?
Its so hard to realize in the midst of it, that those negative experiences ARE expansion. Resisting the negative isn't allowing expansion. Esther Hicks says that if you have to control your environment, youre never going to be very happy.
So I ponder this as truth as a spiritual being... Any Experience in Contrast Is Expansion.
It reminded me of the story Edward told when he met the big brains, in the movie IQ.
A full life includes all kinds of experiences. Today I feel lucky to have that knowledge as I learn what to do with negativity as an experience. I feel such a RELIEF to allow myself to feel what I feel. To not have to bury it with affirmations in hopes of a better life. Its so much more real.
Here are some tips Ive gathered to get through negative experiences.
Its so hard to realize in the midst of it, that those negative experiences ARE expansion. Resisting the negative isn't allowing expansion. Esther Hicks says that if you have to control your environment, youre never going to be very happy.
You saw this physical world as a creative environment in which you, and everyone else, could express yourselves creatively, you did not come forth to try to get others to stop doing what they are doing and do something else. You came forth understanding the value in the contrast, and the balance in the variety. 'Ask and it is given' ch 16She talks about 'Contrast' Contrast, as I understand it, is the experience of something that doesn't feel good to you. Experiencing contrast allows you to see what you dont want and to more powerfully desire what you do. In the midst of contrast, you express strongly what you DO want. That expression goes out into the universe and is held in 'escrow' for you to experience later if you choose to allow it.
So I ponder this as truth as a spiritual being... Any Experience in Contrast Is Expansion.
It reminded me of the story Edward told when he met the big brains, in the movie IQ.
A full life includes all kinds of experiences. Today I feel lucky to have that knowledge as I learn what to do with negativity as an experience. I feel such a RELIEF to allow myself to feel what I feel. To not have to bury it with affirmations in hopes of a better life. Its so much more real.
Here are some tips Ive gathered to get through negative experiences.
- Know that negative situations show you what you DO want. Contrast is Good. Allow it to be.
- Focus on the Strengh in the people around you, no matter whats coming out of their mouth. Dont even listen to what theyre saying. When they say something like 'I hate how this works' realize, they want it to work a better way, and appreciate that desire in them. See that desire as good.
- If it all becomes too much, take a nap! (thats real advice from Esther/Abraham, no kidding)
- "Practice scenarios that feel good—and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating"
Jan 12, 2014
A Good Abraham Starter
Man this Esther Abraham Hicks kick really seems right. Heres a good starter for this information
Jan 9, 2014
oh man this is it. Another Abraham
if youre looking for abundance and youre tired of working, or quit a long time ago and things arent getting better, do this exercise, right along with the man in this audio. DO IT! out loud.
(sorry, youtube wont allow me to embed)
(sorry, youtube wont allow me to embed)
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