by Karim Hadjee
Creating Power System
How would you like to let go of all those bad memories, past relationships, and negative thoughts that seem to hold you back or prevent you from achieving tremendous success?
Today I'll show you how to do just that so you start enjoy life and achieving your goals.
Let's face it, Many of us choose to hang on to things that at some point have hurt us, angered us, made us feel sad, or depressed us. Now - we can let go of these feelings and emotions that don't really help us move forward or we can hang on to them, which will eventually cripple us - because by hanging on to them we don't allow ourselves to move forward, grow and achieve wonderful things. And it gets worse - by hanging on to the past we can even destroy our bodies from the inside out. Some of you may have already heard about the incredible power of letting go - and how it can really change or significantly improve your life. But no one really tells you how to let go and move forward. Sure it's easy to say: "Just let go - move forward – forget about it - just let go." Let's face it - that's easier said than done. Today I'm going to outline how you can really let go of unwanted events, emotions and situations, past or present - so that you start living the life you want and begin moving forward. I'll also show you that by not letting go - by holding on to something - you can seriously impact your health, life and fortune. Once you understand this you'll want to let go and begin moving forward right away. So read on and enjoy!
Why You Need to Let Go and Move Forward.
We all go through positive and negative experiences during our lives. Unfortunately, most of us hang on to or constantly recall the unpleasant or negative situations - some of which go back years or even all the way back to childhood. Other unpleasant or negative experiences may have happened yesterday or 6 months ago. Something someone did may have angered you, caused you to build up resentment, seek revenge, etc. When we hold on to these negative experiences we actually block our ability to move forward.When you hang on to a negative or unpleasant experience - when you don't let go of it - then you are naturally thinking about it constantly - it is something that is regularly on your mind.When you constantly think about that negative event or negative situation you prevent yourself from moving forward and healing.I'm not talking about memories - we all have memories. But how many memories do you recall regularly? How many pleasant memories do you recall everyday? Chances are you're like most people and you have a number of unpleasant experiences that you're holding on to, and that prevents you from moving forward. These negative experiences can be a traumatic event that took place during your childhood or a fight you had with a friend which resulted in a grudge that you carry - and because of that grudge you no longer speak to each other. These are the kinds of things many people carry - the more you carry the worse life gets - it's that simple. Why? Because you've filled your mind up with negative experiences - because you continually hang on to something that doesn't allow you to move forward you're carrying useless baggage that's really slowing you down.
Think of it this way - you're on a hiking trip and along the way you keep picking up heavy objects, things that really don't serve you - but you want to hang on to. After a while - these objects begin to weigh on you - they slow you down and unless you get rid of them - you'll never get to where you want to go.You can begin to let go by simply getting your mind to focus on something different. It's not about saying: I let go of the pain from my fight with ---- and move on. That will help - but if you really want to start moving on - then you have to get your mind to focus on new things - in the process you automatically let go of the negative events and situations that have been slowing you down.Start focusing on what you want to happen. Let go of the past and and negative situations by getting your mind to focus on different things. Direct your subconscious mind to help you let go by giving it new instructions.
How Not Letting Go Can Ruin Your Health
Today, researchers are looking into how holding on to negative feelings and emotions impacts the nervous system and human cells. They believe that if you hold on to negative feelings and sad emotions or depressing memories there's a chance that you could reshape the human cell - to the point where your thoughts of the past have a negative impact on your cells and your physical health.Hanging on to negative past events can destroy your life in ways you're not even aware of. Sure there have been negative things that have happened - I'm not asking you to ignore them - acknowledge them - they did happen. But ask yourself these questions: Do they serve you any purpose? Do they help you move forward? Do they work in your favor in any way? If you said no to any or all of the above questions then tell yourself this: This emotion/feeling doesn't help me so I'm letting it go and focusing on what is important. Then begin focusing on what you want next - focus on what is important and what can improve your life. When you do what I just outlined you get your mind moving in a new direction. At the same time you stop building negative energy that you created from the negative events/emotions - that negative energy only attracted more negative situations.When you begin focusing on more positive things and focus on what you want you begin shifting that energy and start attracting positive situations to help you create the life you want.The next step is to create a new action plan - let's face it the past is over - so what next? Where do you want to go now? How do you plan to get there?You may not have the answers to all these questions - but merely thinking about the options and the future - forces your mind to go in a new direction. When you do this - you automatically let go of unwanted feelings and emotions.For example: Let's say you have a fight with a friend - and you're angry - what now? What do you want to happen next? Carrying that anger and resentment no longer helps you and doesn't serve any positive purpose - so you choose to let go of it. But what about your relationship with your friend - do you want to continue with it? Do you want to improve it? Do you want to set the record straight? Do you want to move on and forget about it? Holding a grudge is not an option. Trying to make that persons life miserable is not an option. Trying to get revenge is not an option. Why not? Because those actions are driven by emotions - which you just chose to let go of - so what's next in the relationship? When you make that decision - you've already let go and begun moving forward.If you had a traumatic experience as a child and continually re-live that experience then choose to let go of it. Then ask yourself - what now? What next? Do you want to focus onyour life now - and if so what aspects? When you do this you've moved the mind away from the past, you've let go of unwanted emotions/feelings and you're taking the next step - which is moving forward.Your success will depend on how you train your mind and subconscious mind to focus on what you want. Start moving forward by choosing to let go of unwanted and negative situations or events that you remember. Start moving in a new direction by focusing on what you want.
Live In The Present
The final step is to live in the present moment - that is to start living in the now. Some of you may have heard of this before - but living in the now is different than living for the moment. Living in the now is the process of enjoying everything that is going on at this present moment. It means creating your future in the present moment - while still enjoying everything that is happening. Take a look around you and appreciate those things that you once thought were trivial.Take some extra time to enjoy a few moments of the day - doing something completely different - but really putting all of yourself into it. When you are here now - you can be nowhere else. You are not hanging on to something - you are not holding on to a past event you are here now.I know some of you may say the following: "But Karim, where I am right now really sucks - I don't want to think about it." Where you are now is unpleasant because you're looking at all the negative things going on. Focus on a few of the positive things - anything from nature to the wonderful family you may have. This forces your mind to look at things differently - and tells your subconscious mind that you're ready for new possibilities.Start living in the present moment. Begin appreciating all of the things that are positive in your life. Force yourself to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Choose to let go of the negative events that are holding you back. Gets your subconscious mind working for you by giving it a positive direction.
How You Can Let Go
If you're still trying to figure out whether you're holding on to something that's not helping you then do the following: Take note of your thoughts, what are you thinking about regularly? Do these thoughts help you? Are you hanging on to something that no longer serves you? Can you focus on something more positive and productive? If so what? Keep a list and see what you come up with. Then change your thoughts when you think about the negative past. Track your thoughts. Change thoughts that don't work for you. Eliminate thoughts that focus on the past. Begin letting go by pushing your mind and subconscious mind in a new direction.
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