Jan 15, 2014

Accepting. ALLOWING the Negative

Damn that negativity. No. No! NO MORE. How can I be happy with all THIS going on around me? The baby's screaming, the dog's barking, the phone's ringing, family is fighting and everyone is coming down on ME. Nevermind all of MY problems. THEY're so negative and all I want to do is expand into my own peace and happiness. Cant they just leave me alone to be happy?

Its so hard to realize in the midst of it, that those negative experiences ARE expansion. Resisting the negative isn't allowing expansion. Esther Hicks says that if you have to control your environment, youre never going to be very happy.
You saw this physical world as a creative environment in which you, and everyone else, could express yourselves creatively, you did not come forth to try to get others to stop doing what they are doing and do something else. You came forth understanding the value in the contrast, and the balance in the variety. 'Ask and it is given' ch 16
She talks about 'Contrast'  Contrast, as I understand it, is the experience of something that doesn't feel good to you. Experiencing contrast allows you to see what you dont want and to more powerfully desire what you do. In the midst of contrast, you express strongly what you DO want. That expression goes out into the universe and is held in 'escrow' for you to experience later if you choose to allow it.

So I ponder this as truth as a spiritual being... Any Experience in Contrast Is Expansion.

It reminded me of the story Edward told when he met the big brains, in the movie IQ.

A full life includes all kinds of experiences. Today I feel lucky to have that knowledge as I learn what to do with negativity as an experience. I feel such a RELIEF to allow myself to feel what I feel. To not have to bury it with affirmations in hopes of a better life. Its so much more real.

Here are some tips Ive gathered to get through negative experiences.
  • Know that negative situations show you what you DO want. Contrast is Good. Allow it to be.
  • Focus on the Strengh in the people around you, no matter whats coming out of their mouth. Dont even listen to what theyre saying. When they say something like 'I hate how this works' realize, they want it to work a better way, and appreciate that desire in them. See that desire as good.
  • If it all becomes too much, take a nap! (thats real advice from Esther/Abraham, no kidding)
  • "Practice scenarios that feel good—and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating"

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