Mar 25, 2014

Dolores Cannon Has All the Answers to the Universe

She's kind of incredible, answering all the questions we've had about the universe in a no-nonsense sort of way.

Only, the answers are out of this world!

After a day learning from this woman, the way I understand it, she gets her answers from a singular source of intelligence, speaking through the DNA of her thousands of hypno-regression subjects.

They all say the same thing. It's an ongoing story that starts with one patient, and continues with the nest. She has been documenting the entire thing in her 18 or so books. Now that's dedication.

This research started with an article that my son shared with me, entitled "We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe"

Fascinating, right? I wanted more. And I found it.

I asked my son to pay particular attention to what she says at 29 minutes, in which I received a resounding "I KNEW IT!!!!" His suspicions brought on by 'Ancient Aliens' were confirmed!

My curiosity was still not satisfied. so onward to this 2 hour presentation that we all watched and discussed the next day. I wanted to connect with my son? This did it.

I fell asleep watching this the night before and had to re-watch to confirm that I heard correctly. And I did! It entered my dreams so clearly and perfectly word for word.

For about a year, I'd been experiencing issues that had me running to the emergency room, thinking I'm going to die. After two full heart workups and suffering endless fear, it turned out to be anxiety. It's very common these days. At 1 hour and 22 minutes the bells went off with another possibility. She says you might actually feel the earth shifting vibrations.

"A lot of people are having physical ailments. They're going to the doctors. The doctors can't find anything wrong with them, because its not anything they've ever experienced before... Our DNAs being changed, the vibration rate is being changed, we are shifting with the planet, we have to... When (the planet) makes these little jumps, people are experiencing physical problems. They can be heart palpitations, blood pressure, tiredness, dizziness, muscle aches and pains... Our DNA is being changed and the ET's have been helping a lot with this (they're sending light from their dimension, to our earth's core where it emanates up through the earth and lifts us all to a higher vibration).
We're going to be at the point where were not going to be sick anymore, and we'll be at the point where we will never die. Were actually moving into what is called the thousand years of peace, in the bible. The whole earth is going to be totally different. And there's going to be many left behind, just like the bible says. Because they cant change their frequency and vibration quick enough to move with it. They have to be working on it NOW or they wont be able to move, theyll be stuck with the old earth. The ones that are deep into the negativity, they will be allowed to live out their lives on the old earth. But when they die, they will not come back to the new earth, because the new earth will have no negativity. They'll be sent to another planet that is still experiencing negativity"

She's answering even more questions that i've had recently. Why the guy in the movie "Wake up" with had no psychic abilities or interest in spirituality, would suddenly start seeing things... like energy, geometric patterns, angels and MORE. He's shifting!  When Teresa Caputo from Long Island Medium (shes crazy, I love her) channels a 19 day old baby and I ask, WHY would a soul come here for 19 days? Dolores says, this is the most important thing in the universe right now. Souls might incarnate for even a couple hours, just to experience it.

She does however explain that the earth is in trouble. Our scientists are messing around with things they shouldn't be. Dark matter, smashing atoms and other things I don't comprehend. Were destroying the universe. Dolores says that if it's allowed to go on, it will effect everything else.

Have we run out of things to learn? Is the 'school' of life not challenging enough? Are we busting open the matrix?  Were we given TOO much free will?  In any case, she says that we're messing up, and souls have been called from all ends of the universe to come here and help. Leave it to humans to stir up such drama.

She goes on to explain that energetically, the earth will split, like cells in mitosis, and be two earths in different dimensions. Those vibrating on higher frequencies will transition with the new earth and experience all positivity. Those vibrating on lower frequencies will stay and live out their lives until this old earth can eventually be freed from the weight of humanity and have the chance to heal itself.

This concept scared the hell out of me. What if i DONT shift with the new earth in her perception of existence? Fear is a heavy vibration, and to be all positive, to match this new earth, you must vibrate higher. She gives tips to help us vibrate higher. Here's my interpretation of those tips.

  • Let go of Karma. FORGIVE everyone in your life and let GO of all the baggage that keeps you heavy, low. You wont be allowed to take it with you.
  • Let go of Fear. Practice joy and love. Laugh and play. Do what helps you feel higher emotions.
  • Eat Lighter Foods. Eat more live foods like fruits and vegetables. She said eventually we'll switch to a liquid diet. I recently joined the smoothie craze, I'm assuming this is right in line. And move away from heavy meats.
  • Cleanse with water.
I assume it may also be good to spend some time feeling love and appreciation for a world with only positivity. Thank god that the possibility exists.

After a day and a half, Ive come away with the basics and realize, its the same stuff. Isnt it always the same stuff?
  1. We all come from the same source
  2. We all go back to the same source
  3. We exist in a multitude of ways
  4. We are not alone
  5. To be truly who we are - Vibrate Higher

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