Mar 25, 2014

Tip the Scales

Esther told a story.

Esther and Jerry were in Philadelphia and they had their monster bus. There was something on in the coach that drained the battery... while most of their electronics were available, for nearly a month they had no television in the bus. Esther said the day it happened 'bummer'. And now she is saying 'blessing'. Every morning she wakes up she feels better than the day before because she is now "gaining"... because

The balance of the thoughts you offer, equal the degree to which you ALLOW whats in your vibrational escrow.

So every day without realizing it, Esther was diminishing her allowance of the things she is wanting by the amount of time she was watching (usually right before bed) of things less than wanted. There has been a significant difference in the day to day allowing of Esthers vibrations since shes not been watching television.

Were not saying don't watch television, be selective sifters. But you just have habits of thought. There are things that you do, that hold you out of alignment with what you want.

If you are not moving rapidly toward the things you know you want, it can be for only one reason. You're thinking thoughts to the contrary and you're doing it pretty regularly.

Get yourself busy with things that are exhilarating. Fill your schedule with things that feel good when you do it. Make more time. A lot of time you'll feel busy', but if you just make a little effort to shift your thought, you get a big bonus in terms of manifestation.

from this video

and in this video, she says that with mastery, manifestation can happen instantaneously, as soon as you think it in pure thought (i knew that)  she says that were supposed to be happier in our minds! "we do not see humans experiencing the joy of premanifestational creation anywhere to the degree you intended when you came forth. you intended to take much more pleasure in your mind than most of you are allowing. and because you demand the manifestations, and they dont come instantly, than the discomfort of it causes a disruption in your vibration which slows the whole thing down. Where if you could just be more exhilarated about the pleasure that youre taking in your mind" then you wouldnt miss the wonder of the power of your own mind.


  1. Our vibrations on this topic just did a perfect hand shake.

    1. she actually uses the word 'leverage' to describe little shift, big bonus and I honestly, no bullshit, thought of you when she said it.


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