Aug 6, 2014


She never ceases to blow me away. She says "Momentum has a lot to do with what happens next." Sometimes its not so obvious, but we all have our moments. He says he wants 'more'. Remember to Practice more! Those few moments in a store, when your significant other is distracted by auto parts, you certainly have 17 seconds to practice... you probably have 68 seconds to practice. She says:
"when you maintain your attention to something for as little as 17 seconds, momentum begins, because another thought like it will join it. Now there's more momentum... Do it again, more, do it again, more. By the time you cross that 68 second mark (which is 17, 4 times) you have enough momentum going, that, its most likely gonna play out with some sort of obvious result. 68 seconds gets momentum going"
This is the point of our focus wheels. To be purely focused on whats wanted, but you can do this anywhere, any time theres a quiet space in between life. Just think about what's incredible about your life and it starts. Think about what you love about yourself. What you love about your family. Your job. your house. go through it all, and youll be at 68 seconds before you know it. If you dont listen to the whole thing, start at around 9 minutes. it gets really good at the end.

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