Jan 27, 2007

Watch Your Eyes

From 'The Celestine Vision',by James Redfield (pg 136)

This is a great excerpt and also a concept from the book The Celestine Prophecy. The book explains that if you make eye contact with a person, that you should speak with them, you probably have a message to share with each other, along the your path...

"Sometimes we will notice that our eyes spontaneously fall on a particular person, place or object… (a path through a forest, particular magazine or book)

Spontaneously turning around and catching someone looking at us is a common example of this experience. In any of these cases, we may ask [why did that happen]…

While these messages from our bodies at first seem capricious, sometimes we will have an intuition to explore further. Often, just a few minutes of attentive action will lead to a new adventure or synchronistic encounter."

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