Jan 27, 2007

Staying Positive

From 'The Celestine Vision',by James Redfield (pg 136)

Interpretation of Perceived Negativity
The actual word from this entry that switched the light bulb on was 'interpretation'. I guess no one is beyond negativity, even through the most guided of projects...

"I can’t overemphasize the importance of keeping a positive outlook as our experiences of synchronicity increase. Once we have opened to the divine energy within and found a truth that inspires us, and kept our questions in mind, the flow of synchronicity accelerates and becomes easier to interpret. But at any point we can shift into a negative interpretation and lose our energy...

Many times as I worked on the Celestine Prophecy, I had found myself in what could only be called a dead end. I had been in the flow of synchronicity that was rich and meaningful, and then – boom – something would happen that suggested to me that I had been on the wrong path all along. As such times, I was tempted to abandon the project completely. I couldn’t understand why what I thought I was supposed to be doing had fallen apart.

These dead ends continued to occur until I realized that I was jumping into negative conclusions just because I didn’t want the project to be slowed down. Each of us has to realize, on our own, that at our higher level of awareness there are no negative events. Certainly life can be tragic at times… but each crisis, each dead end in our evolution, is merely a message, an opportunity to go in a different direction. Our egos might not like the direction at first, but our higher self can discover a new plan implicit in the challenge.

The importance of looking for the positive meaning in negative events cannot be overstated. Many times I have seen individuals begin the synchronistic path, successfully entering their journey into self-awareness and growth, only to encounter a dead end that they interpret negatively, causing them to give up on the whole process.

This occurs when we assume we can reach our most far-reaching goals and images very quickly. If we do not achieve these goals according to our timetable, we assume the negative and either blame ourselves or others in some way, or think that the whole process is invalid. In truth, a dead end usually points out that we are still short of energy or have not fully cleared our control drama ( how we manipulate others to gain energy). The synchronicity in our lives works to help us return to the issues of personal clearing and the need to discover a file posture of love and inner security. Only by retrieving this transcendent space can we be free of ego needs and proceed to an objective reading of the coincidences."

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