When your purpose becomes spiritually aligned with what you are doing, when you live every day exactly the same as what you believe you are here for, suddenly your soul purpose begins to flow, and nothing can stop you. You’re on the fast track. When you live it, it starts to own you...
FORGIVING – Dr. Wayne Dyer likes to separate this word, to give it a more meaningful understanding, he calls it FOR GIVING. This can be done privately. You start to forgive and let this out, no one has to know, you don’t need to tell anyone. This releases the animosity, pain, bitterness, resentment and anger. Toxic reactions to your anger stays until you forgive. When you forgive, you're not only helping others, It releases you. You’re purifying yourself… Love is for-giving. (for giving, you don’t ask anything back) Your whole life becomes clear, and where you’re going becomes evident, because you are completely at peace. Without those experiences, our opportunity to help others won’t materialize.
* Whatever you’ve got inside of you is NOT the result of what anyone else puts there, it’s the result of what you decide to have inside of you…think for a minute…
I love the metaphor Dr. Wayne Dyer gives in this audio. When you squeeze an orange, what comes out? … Juice. When you squeeze an orange, whatever is inside, comes out. It doesn’t matter when, who or how you squeeze it, juice comes out. When you put pressure on a person, whatever is inside, comes out…and anger and hatred comes out, its not the person who’s doing the squeezing that makes that come out… its because that’s what’s inside that person… and when someone cuts you off on the freeway and you get mad as hell and you’re going to get in front of them and cut them off and make them see what its like, it isn’t because they cut you off that you're so upset, its because that’s what you carry around inside. When you stop carrying that around inside, nothing that ANYONE does can upset you. “No one can make a fool of you without your consent” Eleanor Roosevelt. No one can depress you, make you anxious, or hurt your feelings, no one can make you anything other than what you allow inside. Each person must take total responsibility for his own inner development.
Whatever is happening in your life, look at yourself first and say what is it about ME, and what can I change to help me not feel victimized? Not how can I get THEM to change, how can I make the world different. People want the world to be different. Dyer thinks that the world is perfect, contrary to anything you’ve heard, the world is perfect. There’s only anxious, angry thinking, fearful thoughts. Replace that with serenity, you don’t even know how to be victimized anymore. You become healing instead of poisoned. You are effective rather than trying to get there, you live it. When you get enough grace, feel positive about yourself, its almost impossible for you to be controlled and manipulated by anyone else.
When you’re more preoccupied with the solution than being a victim, you’re more effective. No matter what is happening around you, you can get what you need to get done.
You can hear more of Dr. Wayne Dyers audios on HayHouse Radio
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