Spiritual Healing takes a certain amount/type of energy. Build energy, build momentum, build motion/movement… That movement brings all senses higher. Higher vibration means faster movement.
But sometimes people tend to carry the weight of their daily routine. It is fast paced, but it’s heavy – not light. It’s not freeing. If you’ve set your life up to experience freedom and comfort, but you worry, worrying ruins the experience. It makes sense. Worry is like a prison. This worry is a common game that many play to subterfuge themselves into submission. When what they want is freedom, they get the opposite. They’ve jailed themselves, boxed themselves in with the idea of personal freedom.
But this freedom comes from the experience of feeling yourself, not from the situations that you’ve created. This is the closest you can manifest into your life that looks like what you want. Its not making you happy because you have expectations. Take a closer look at your ROUTINE, and uncover what feelings you’re trying to hide.
What does the lifestyle you’ve created save you from? Commitment? Having to do things for others? Having to commute? Think of why you choose to avoid this… Do you not like to be told what to do? Are you a little on the lazy side? Ask yourself, are you happy with how you FEEL? And explain the reasons why or why not.
So now that you have made it clear to yourself that you need to change, or what area you need to change to make you happier… What can you bring into your life and/or take out of your life that will bring you happiness. Try a few different things…
If you’re saying, I wont let myself be happy, or do anything until I am “successful” “lose weight” “get that guy/girl”… How can you be successful, lose weight, get that guy/girl if you aren’t happy? As you see, its detrimental to think in such a way. Spiritually, you need to fulfill yourself, in some ways, and not wait for life to be perfect.
GRATITUDE> youve heard it before. It REALLY does help to be happy with what you have. Go through it, I have a good family, a great job, I have money, I am in good health. Whatever it is that you do have, that you may be overlooking. Gratitude is one of the top spiritual concepts toward enlightenment, and evolving to higher realms. Think of the things you have, until you really feel it, until you’re smiling... I don’t like to fake this exercise. I like to feel the real happiness that comes from what I do have. I just think of different things, even the smallest things until I actually feel uplifted.
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