I think at a starting off point, it goes hand in hand with what i'm learning about intention.
I think you intend to do something, set a wish, or a desire for something to happen, describe it in such a way that makes you feel good, but not too terribly detailed. In combination with what Esther Hicks says, enough so that you feel good, when the good feeling is gone, you should stop. So set the intention, enough so that it makes you feel good, and let it go. And what comes back to you, in the next few days weeks months, IS intuition.
For me, the best most effective way to set my intentions is to daydream. It happens easiest when im in the shower (what is it about the shower???) I say what I want. I describe what I want. And the feelings and vague images come to me.
When you set these intentions constantly, its as if intuition is flowing from the source. Bursts of insights, but they are really just the answers to your questions. I think im starting to understand this.
Continuously set your intentions, so that you are able to receive intuition. It will be more than apparent, or maybe it will be a little subtle. Or possibly you have forgotten the intention, because you already had let it go, to be answered and fulfilled. But when it comes back to you, that you remember that you intended that thing to happen, its pretty awesome. You can say I did that. I created that.
How to set your intention– See How to "Create Your Day" by Joe Dispenza
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