Feb 2, 2007

Amazing Photograph

I was on the celestine prophecy's forum reading a post about seeing energy, and auras. There were a few interesting links about auras, and aura photography. This one was pretty interesting because it worked for me without a photograph. What color is your aura?

This forum thread had raised a question in me. Ive seen aura photographs of individuals. The book (and movie) talk about energy between people and how it pushes back and forth or intertwines, how you can give energy to others even to the world and your surrounding environment...

I had to wonder, has anyone taken aura photos of two people together. Not only two people together but two people in the midst of communication and would it show the changes? Something to ponder. (im asking a few aura photographers if they've ever tried it and will post what I find)

While searching I found something fascinating... In Frank Rodriguez's post, "Do psychic photographers ever take a bad photo?" he shows a photograph he took of a moving walkway (3rd down) At first i didn't see it, then I thought it was a reflection, but there clearly is a very dominant face in this photograph. He couldn't explain it, but wanted to know more. If you can interpret this photograph and how it happened, help him out.

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