A few days ago the show "Ghost Whisperer" premiered on CBS. Jennifer Love Hewitt has the ability to communicate with lost souls. Her job, quickly recognized, is to help people cross over, by bringing them closure. The most striking part of this episode is that her husband is a paramedic, who by the end of the show, is having a hard time with her gift in conjunction with his profession. He says that every time he works to save someones life, he's terrified to lose them because she might have to have to deal with their spirit if he fails. She told him exactly what Dannion said on the radio broadcast, about the mentality at death being important in crossing. Jennifer Love Hewitt explains to her husband that has the unique ability to "take all of your fear away" And if he did lose someone, she believed that he could help them tremendously in making the transition.
I watched the show with my mother, a devout Catholic. I asked her, "do you believe any of this stuff?" She wasn't sure, but she enjoyed the show just the same. I told her about Dannions story, his multiple Near Death Experiences, the blue gray space, and that its an actual story of someone real experience.
It's very cool that this show dealing with these issues is on network television. Its possible that we as a collective are getting somewhere :)
I'd like to repeat Dannions advice from the radio show... Have a spiritual focus and an intent on being happy, and life takes care of itself. He gave 3 small steps to help us through this decision.
1) Have a cause (a service to help someone)
2) Join a Spiritual Group (to give and receive energy of multiple perspectives) and
3) Find what you want to do (writing, art, etc.) and do it. Then watch how the universe responds.
I absolutely love Dannions story. He is a true soldier! The books are fascinating and give amazing insight into how to live on this earth. I believe these are the most meaningful messages we have now. His work in hospice is truly to be respected, and he is also such a joy to listen to on the radio, down to earth, fun, with incredible advice.
Visit Dannion Brinkley online at dannion.com. No one should ever pass through this life without reading Saved by the Light
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